Sunday, October 10, 2010

Our first post--a brief history

Here it is, for better or worse, our first stab at trying to help people make discerning choices when it comes to that most difficult of questions...which beer should I have?? A brief history--we're fairly new to the whole craft beer experience, having really just dived in over the past year. What started out as a hesitant toe in the golden elixir has turned out as an all-out passion for both of us. We've volunteered at countless craft beer festivals to try to expand our knowledge of and palate for microbrews. We're frequent visitors to our favorite nearby bottle shops and avid followers of both and However, as we've moved forward into an ever-expanding world of beer, we noticed that most people still aren't aware of the epic changes occurring in the beer world and are content to drink what they consider to be "beer". This seems to stem from a lack of knowledge about what's out there (usually simply from a lack of exposure due to availability), mega marketing targeted towards driving people to a particular macro (Super Bowl ads, anyone?) and a general fear of the unknown. We want to address the first and third of these issues, as we certainly can't stand up to millions of dollars of marketing hype (Budweiser alone spends over a hundred million a year). So, in these posts we would like to compare apples to apples so to speak. We'll take a macro beer (Budweiser, Miller, Coors, etc.), a middle of the road beer (Yuengling, Sam Adams, etc.) and a craft brew (Stone, New Belgium, etc.) and do a his and hers taste comparison. We'll also let you know which states carry the specific micro brew that we're sampling. When all is said and done, we hope that you'll enjoy our blog and finally be able to branch out with confidence into the world of beer. Cheers!

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