Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Review--Brew Masters TV show with DFH Midas Touch and Bitches Brew

We finally had a chance to watch the new Discovery Channel's "Brew Masters" show with Sam Calagione from Dogfish Head Craft Brewery out of Milton, Delaware. We figured what better way to enjoy the show than with some Dogfish Head brews? We had a couple bottles of Midas Touch that had aged for about a year and a fresh bottle of Bitches Brew, the focus of this episode. We enjoyed the show and Sam's larger than life personality, but are hopeful that future episodes will not focus solely on Dogfish Head. While DFH and Sam are certainly a large part of the craft beer revolution, they're only part of the equation. It's always fascinating to see how they get the flavors into the beer and the trials and tribulations that even professional brewers have to face. All in all, it was an interesting glimpse behind the curtain at the wizards that create beer. Now for our tasting reviews...

Midas Touch--9% ABV. A "Handcrafted Ancient Ale with Barley, Honey, White Muscat Grapes & Saffron" from the label. This particular beer per Dogfish Head's site: "This recipe is the actual oldest-known fermented beverage in the world! It is an ancient Turkish recipe using the original ingredients from the 2700 year old drinking vessels discovered in the tomb of King Midas." Pours a golden color similar to a white wine with a white head that dissipates quickly. An aroma of grapes greets our noses. The taste is delicious with grapes and barley strongly present and finishing with a touch of honey. Almost like eating a grainy cracker spread with honey with grapes and tea on the side. A bubbly texture more beer than wine. Talk about a meal in a glass!

Bitches Brew--9% ABV. Per the label: "Ale brewed with honey and gesho". Per Dogfish Head's site: "In honor of the 40th anniversary of the original release of Bitches Brew, Miles Davis' 1970 paradigm-shifting landmark fusion breakthrough, we've created our own Bitches Brew - a bold, dark beer that's a fusion of three threads imperial stout and one thread honey beer with gesho root, a gustatory analog to Miles' masterpiece." Pours solid black (like vinyl!) with a mocha head. The aroma is of malted barley but has a sweet mesquite barbecue sauce scent to it! The flavor is delectable, smoky, sweet and tangy all at the same time. The flavor of the mesquite is still there, working with the honey and gesho root to make one unique imperial stout! A winner and we're sorry that we only picked up one bottle. Luckily, another batch is on the way, so grab this while you can!

We give solid 4 stars for both of these original Dogfish Head craft brews!

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